Saturday, September 7, 2013

Beach Devo

Tonight felt like a night back home in the United States. Our group and some people from the local church met on the beach to have a picnic and devotional on the beach. We had sandwiches and chips. I've never been so happy to eat a sandwich. It tasted like home. For desert, we had S'MORES! Oh my goodness, and the were amazing! They were actually super simple. In Greece, they actually have cookies with chocolate already attached. Like premade s'more. Just add the marshmallow. But the Greeks have never even heard of s'mores! Watching them attempt to roast marshmallows was very comical. After dinner we sang a few devotional songs. And Dino spoke on marriage. He asked what our qualities for a husband/wife are and number one was he/she had to be a Christian.  He pressed this heavily and I agree with him 100%. I will never forget the experience of singing songs to God while the ocean is touching in the background. It was absolutely beautiful.
Roasting Marshmallows

Roasting Marshmallows


  1. Must try s'mores with Aunt Shari's TimTams! Yum! So happy your trip is turning out to be even more exciting than you ever dreamed of or imagined! Thanks for blessing us with the pics and your writings! Love you! G. & G. H.

    1. That sounds yummy! Can't wait to get back and tell you guys all about it!

  2. S' mores on the beach sounds so much fun :D Wish I could have been there when they tried them for the first time
