Thursday, September 5, 2013

Delphi - Thermopyles

Yesterday, we embarked on our first trek of our four day Northern Greece trip. Three hours in, we made our first stop deep in the mountains of central Greece at a small town called Delphi. Delphi was known as the navel of the earth. Greek mythology says that Zeus believed that the world was flat and he wanted to find the center, or navel, so he sent a bird to the east end and a bird to the west end and told them to fly until they met. Needless to say, the birds met in Delphi and it was then named the navel of the earth. This place was amazing. Everywhere you turned, the view was spectacular. We were surrounded by mountains.

It's a Dr. Seuss tree!

Greece has stray dogs and cats everywhere and the cities feed them. I LOVE IT.

Rock of the Sybil


Temple of Apollo

Temple of Apollo

Temple of Apollo

Temple of Apollo




Treasury of the Athenians 

After touring the sight of Delphi, we visited the small museum with all of the artifacts that were discovered at the sight. Here are a few pictures:
Ancient Music

These statues were brothers. They carried their mother in a cart to the temple because the oxen were still in the field. Being so blessed by her sons, the mother prayed to the gods to give them a gift. Their gift: dying in their sleep at their highest point in their life. They died heroes.

Gold and ivory- the parts that are not gold are black because it was burned.

The navel of the earth. Zeus wanted to find the center of a flat earth so he sent a bird the east and west and told them to fly until they met in the middle, which was Delphi.

The Sphinx 

After another hour bus ride, we arrived at the sight of the Battle of Thermopyles, also known as what the movie 300 was based off of. There was a small monument to Leonidas and a hill that they know was the last place the Spartans were standing before they were killed. These are the beat pictures I could get.
Statue to Leonidas

Monument to the last 300 Spartans to die on this hill

Once getting back on the bus, we drove north for three more hours and arrived in Kalambaka for the night.

1 comment:

  1. The mountains are beautiful there! I would love to go see them one day!
