Monday, September 30, 2013

Patmos, Greece

We began our cruise from the dock of Kusadasi, Turkey. We embarked on board that morning and departed for the island of Patmos, Greece around lunch. Patmos is the island where the apostle John was exiled and also where he wrote the book of Revelation. After familiarizing ourselves with the ship, we all took a much needed nap! We arrived at the island of Patmos around 4:00 pm. We were told that from the sky the island looks like a sea horse. After looking it up on Google maps, I would have to agree. The island's port water depth is so shallow that cruise ships cannot pull directly up to the port. So, everyone that wanted to get off the ship had to disembark by tender boats. Basically, we set anchor as near to the port as possible. Then, little boats belonging to the locals came to the ship to pick us up and take us to the island. Once on the island, we all jumped on a bus and headed to the cave where most people believe John wrote the book of Revelation. The deciding factor that this was the cave is that it is the only cave on the entire island. The cave has been turned into a Catholic Church. Some people believe that inside the cave, the small hole in the wall indicates the place where John put his pillow to sleep. Also, some believe that a flat place on the wall, perfect for holding a book, was where he wrote the book of Revelation. Also, in the ceiling, there are three large cracks. Experts say that these cracks were formed when John got the revelation from God to write the book. They say that the cracks symbolize the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I am not sure if any of these assumptions are true, but they were still very interesting to think about. Only problem, no pictures were allowed inside the cave because it was a church. Sorry guys!

Outside the Cave 

About to walk into the cave

After going to the cave, we went to the monastery of St. John at the top of the mountain on the island. This monastery was very similar to the one we visited in Meteora, Greece. We were only allowed in two parts of the monastery, the church and the museum. No pictures were allowed in the church but I sneaked a picture just so you guys could see! The museum was rather boring due to the fact that everything in it was from the monastery and I do not care much about their history. Although, there was one thing in the museum that particularly sparked my interest. They had a copy of the gospel of Mark in Greek from the 6th century. It was spectacular. Pictures were not allowed but I just had to sneak one for all of you to see. All in all, the monastery might have been boring but there were a few good parts that made it worthwhile. 

Inside the church

Outside before entering the church

Copy of Mark from 6th century, in Greek

Tomorrow we wake up at the island of Rhodes, Greece! 


  1. You are such a rebel child. Since you did not get to take any pictures you will just have to take me one day so I can see it for myself.

  2. This must be such a wonderful experience for you! I feel like I'm there in Greece when I see all you amazing pictures :) Thank you for sharing.
