Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Shopping with Vardi

This afternoon, Vardi, my teacher's friend, wanted to take us girls out and show us how to shop in Glyfada, Greek style. She began by showing us the area by car. Keep in mind, we only ride in a car to church. We walk everywhere else. She took us to her house to let us see an authentic Greek house. She lives on the second floor of an apartment building but her house is far from an apartment. Her house is 190 square meters with a full wrap around balcony. It was beautiful. She also showed us the houses that surrounded hers. They belong to very wealthy movie stars and designers. They were huge houses with lots of security. Then we drove into downtown Glyfada. She showed us where the best bakery was and where to get the best coffee. She also told us which grocery store was the most expensive. It happened to be the one we had been going to. Needless to say, we will not be going back there. Then she took us off the main street to where the young people hang out at night in Glyfada. She told us about how the trees all light up at night and it is super magical. Next, she took us to her favorite clothing store, Zara. I wish I could have a suitcase that the space never ended because I would have bought that entire store. Once we walked outside, we met a woman from South Carolina who was visiting with her mother in Greece. Vardi talked to the lady and got her to agree to come to church on Sunday. It is so awesome to see how God works. Then we finished up our shopping at one of the numerous coffee bars. Let me just say, American coffee has nothing on Greek coffee. I had a caramel freddocino and it was amazing. Thursday, she wants to take us to the Russian market and I cannot wait! I love and miss you guys! More posts to come soon.


  1. I am glad that someone was nice enough to do that for ya'll. I hope you continue to enjoy the opportunity God has given you. Love you so much.

  2. It sounds like you had another wonderful day in Greece. Enjoy all of this because this truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We love and miss you!!

  3. I wish we were there with you. We could stuff our suitcases full of your new clothes and bring them back for you. Lol. Glad you are having a great time and absorbing all the culture! Love you! G H.
