Monday, August 19, 2013

Afternoon in Glyfada

This morning, we had orientation and Dr. Edwards announced to us that his son is sick and at a local clinic. Everyone please say a prayer for him and his family. After orientation, we had lunch. We had the Greek version of lasagna. It was very different. Dr. Edwards took us into town to show us around and help us get oriented. It is a fairly large town. There were a few cool stores that we went into. It was just very hot so went did not stay out long. When we came back, a lot of us went down to the pool for a quick dip. The pool is AMAZING. The deep end is over twelve foot deep and the water does not contain chlorine. It was a perfect way to cool off. Dinner was late compared to back home. We ate at 8 PM. We had a fabulous dinner of pork chops, broccoli, and friend mashed potatoes. It was very American. Tomorrow morning we have our first two classes, Acts of Paul,taught by Dr. Edwards and Greek, Taught by Dino Russo, the local Church of Christ preacher in Glyfada. They are going to be pretty awesome classes. I would have to say its been a pretty successful day. Good night everyone!


  1. I have really missed you today. I am glad you are having fun though. I love the pictures and so enjoy you posting what your time there is like. Your dad and I can't wait to see your blog everyday.

  2. I just love your comments. I laughed this morning reading what you had posted. Thanks for sharing your day. I brag about MY DAUGHTER the traveler. Take care and have a great first day of school. LOVE YOU
