Monday, August 19, 2013

Finally in Greece!

Yesterday we landed in Greece around 5 PM. I was exhausted. Our hotel was a forty five minute drive from the airport in Athens. We are staying in an "upscale" neighborhood on the outskirts of Athens known as Glyfada. If this is upscale, then I feel really bad for the poor people in Greece. It is very similar to America except very dirty. Once we got to the hotel, we went down stairs to have dinner. For the appetizer, we had a Greek salad that consisted of large chunks of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, olives(with the pit) and feta cheese. For the main course, we had a hamburger and fries, but no ketchup. For dessert we had honey dew melon. After dinner, I came back upstairs and went to bed.
Waking up in Greece was very... hot. I have yet to feel an air conditioned room like back home since we landed in Athens. The rooms are usually bearable but not refreshing. I woke up around 6:30 this morning which is like 10:30 PM back in Alabama. It was very hard to sleep. My body is still trying to get used to the time. After taking a shower, we went down and had breakfast and walked out to the beach. It was very different. But the water was so clear. It felt amazing. Although, I thought I might die from the traffic. They do not slow down for anyone. We Have orientation in about thirty minutes and then we are walking into town. More to follow!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pics. Your body will adjust to the temperatures. Have fun and take lots of pictures. love you
