Sunday, August 25, 2013

First Saturday in Greece

Yesterday was our first Saturday in Glyfada. We had class in the morning and then were free for the rest of the afternoon. Majority of the group decided to ride the tram back into Athens but a few of us had a more adventurous idea in mind. Ashley, Austin, Caleb and I decided we wanted to climb the huge mountain that surrounds the city. It looked massive but we were determined. Dr. Edwards was sweet enough to drive us to the base of it but after that, we were on our own. The hike was not as bad as expected until we got close to the top. The top of the mountain was all rock. We had to literally climb the rocks to reach the top but it was totally worth it. Once we reached the top, we could see everything, from the Mediterranean Sea, to the Greek Islands, the Acropolis, Athens, and Glyfada. It was a beautiful sight. The pictures don't even do it justice. What an adventure it was! And I would do it again in a heartbeat. When we got back to the hotel, we all went for a swim to cool off from the hike.


  1. Looks like a dwellng in one pic...? Beautiful! Love you. _ G.H.

    1. My teacher said he thinks it was a shepherds house! love you too!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. do you have to cautious of snakes dwelling in the rocks? I would be looking and listening for any things that moves. luv u
