Sunday, August 25, 2013

Glyfada Church of Christ-Greek Service

This morning, we attended the local church. They have two services every Sunday, Greek in the morning and English at night. We will usually go to the night service but Dino wanted us to come to the Greek one for an experience. It was very different. Now, when they talk about speaking in tongues in the bible I know exactly what they are talking about. We began by singing a few songs that I recognized but they were in Greek! I do remember one song we sang that I recognized was Anywhere with Jesus. Also, they have Greek and English song books, and the English song books they have are the same song books at my home church! I felt so at home. Next, Dr. Edwards spoke in English while Dino translated in Greek. After that, we had communion. The Greeks preform their communion very different from us. They begin with a prayer, then they pass out the bread while they sing. Once the song finishes, they pray again and everyone takes the bread together. The bread was very different. Next, they pray again, pass out the juice and sing, pray again, and everyone drinks the juice together. The juice is passed out in glass communion cups and when I received mine, I realized that it wasn't as dark as grape juice. Once I drank it, I knew that it was either very fermented grape juice or red wine, but I know that it was not the grape juice I was used to. It almost knocked me down. It was very stout. After that, we sang a few songs in English and closed the service with a prayer. Dino wants us to do things with the youth so after the service was over I went to meet some. I met a boy and I could not pronounce his name. He was 16 and could speak English very well. He liked playing soccer and basketball and wants to join the army so he can fly planes. Tonight, we will attend the English service. Maybe it will be more like home.


  1. What a wonderful experience! I envy you:-) love you! G.H.

  2. that is an experience you will never forget. soak in as much of the culture as possible. luv u

  3. We often forget there are many people worshiping God on this day. It warms my heart to think there are so many other Christians praying and singing and worshiping just as we do.
