Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day of Class

This morning we had our first class, Life of Paul/Footsteps of the Apostles. We discussed the beginning chapters of Acts and refreshed our memory on who the apostles were. Since there are only four apostles mentioned after Acts chapter 1, we discussed the main three today, Peter, James and John. The rest of our time here we will study about Paul, not because the others are not important, but because they are not mentioned as much. After Dr. Edwards finished with our lesson, the local preacher, Dino, gave us our first lesson on Greek. Greek seems very simple and easy to learn because most of the words in the English language are of Greek decent, like Hippopotamus is of Greek decent. "Hippo" means horse and "Potamus" means of the water. So, hippopotamus means horse of the water. I also learned how to write my name in Greek. We are taking a break now while Dr. Edwards goes to check on his son. Tomorrow is our first tour of Athens!! We leave out in the morning to see Mars Hill and the Acropolis. I can't wait!

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