Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Afternoon Tour of the Temple of Poseidon

Yesterday afternoon, we took a short trip south to the Temple of Poseidon on the end tip of Attica, Greece. The drive took about 45 minutes. It was a beautiful drive by the sea. We did an afternoon tour for the specific reason that the people say it is the most beautiful sunset in Greece, and they are not wrong. It was amazing. I could not get a single picture that even came close to the beauty of that sunset. If I ever return to Greece, I will definitely being going there again. The Temple of Poseidon was built by the sea to honor the god Poseidon, god of the sea. We also saw where Lord Byron, a famous poet, etched his name into one of the stone columns. How dare he! Here are a few pictures, although it does not do it justice.


  1. Wow! Hard to pic a fave, but I think I know the one I would enlarge and put on my wall! Beautiful! Love you! GH

  2. The pictures are beautiful and I am sure experiencing it was more beautiful.

  3. Looks like you're having fun.
    We stole your blog idea and we have one for our trip - thankyou Richard

    1. Its such a fun way for everyone to keep up with you! I will be sure to keep up with yours. Have fun!

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